Recall from Charlotte's Web when Ms. Charlotte spun the word HUMBLE into her gossamer tapestry? She went on to explain to Templeton, the rat, the meaning included reference to both 'near the ground' and 'not proud'. She was providing her final lesson of wisdom for Wilbur, (the pig) who was on the verge of winning a Blue Ribbon at the Fair.
Staying 'grounded'...
Staying 'humble' and slipping easily into awe and gratitude...
Good advice if you're on the verge of the world about to discover you and crown you Champion. And still good advice even if doesn't appear so.
'Humble and grounded
inside, it resounded
the shadow of my smallness
there; stretched out
into its tallness'
From The Law of Success, Napoleon Hill tells us that "Humility is a forerunner of success." And he goes on to say that until we humble our hearts, we limit our ability to profit by the experiences and thoughts of others.
Too few are those who are willing to hear the truth. Too many are confused between illusion and reality. Along the way, we miss the portals of access we so desire.
"Something in human nature makes us resent the impact of new ideas"
Charlotte helped Wilbur become a happy pig that avoided the 'slaughter'. Her 'owner'; Farmer Arable, opted to treat her with deference; principally because Wilbur's 'humility' provided the lubricant for Charlotte's lessons of wisdom to be absorbed by those around her; especially the receptive farmer.
Good job, Wilbur.
Thank you, Charlotte!
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