Thursday, March 27, 2014

Every Revolution an Evolution...
So when our 'Charlotte' spiders; those vertical orb-weaving araneomorphs, construct their wondrous webs, there is a refined process that takes place; one which is repeated around the world billions of times a day and perfected, over hundreds of millions of years. (Safe to say "Mastery? I'd say yes!)

Briefly, the web site location is a strategic placement that factors in access to and volume of food stuff; i.e prey, protection, anchor points, angularity to the sun, competition, insect flight paths, past success and more. A typical construction set will take a couple hours and for most of the year, until later in the season, the web of an orb weaver will be consumed and rebuilt daily. Other than the anchor lines and maybe some of the other framings, it appears and disappears regularly.
Using a number of select silk variations (usually three or more) she can express through her collection of spinnerets, a temporary spiral that will be woven in among the radius lines, starting from the hub and working out to the outer edges of the frame. The spacing is wider than what the finished web will be comprised of and even a different silk. This is all part of the "proto-web", in essence, the temporary scaffolding, as Authors Leslie Brunetta and Catherine Craig describe in their book: SPIDER SILK.
"By connecting the radial lines at regular intervals from the center out along their length, the temporary spiral stiffens the web...This bracing keeps each radial line from sagging as the spider steps onto it. Finally, starting out on the web's outer edge, the spider begins to lay down the sticky capture spiral."

Every Revolution an Evolution...
Our spider will finish where she began. In the center. She gets back by making revolutions around her web; each time around, closer to her destination. Closer to her ultimate evolution. For that web, anyway. And 'that' web is the only one that ever matters. Tomorrow's web will take care of itself...
This concept became a metaphor for me in contemplating the difference between living a life of 'going around in circles' versus moving forward with purpose and intention.
And instead of spinning aimlessly - like an out-of-control second hand on the crazy clock of an out-of-control world, approaching each day as another ring of capture silk on the path home.
 Every Revolution an Evolution...
While she is making the journey back to the center, our spider is removing and eating the temporary spiral line as she replaces it with tighter rings and sticky silk. (The better to catch you, my dear!)
So a spiral is a circle...that takes you either further from or closer to the 'center'. A vortex if you will. For every time around does not bring you back to the 'same' place.
Like life.
You can not go around and end up in the same place. Spin in or spin out - but we just don't stay on the same ring. Nature shows it and our spider teaches it.
And once you apply a bit of SpiderLogic, you'll intuit a portal of the wisdom of nature weaving itself into the web of your life; hopefully one evolving into greater joy and happiness.
Every Revolution an Evolution...

On the Journey Home.

 Home...Sweet Home.

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