Sunday, March 30, 2014

1. Insert quarter
2. Avoid Klingons
As a birthday boy who was set spinning his journey in 1955, and with my baby-boomer friends, we recall a simpler, 'web-less' time when technology was blooming alongside our lives. It was the '70's. I had my '69 Pontiac Lemans. We were doing Atari in black and white in student unions and arcades.

With a month head-start on me (born in February), a guy named Steven Jobs was making 'Pong' better. We were dropping quarters into the machines, unknowingly underwriting the brilliance and genius which would become Apple. I was learning/teaching the art of flight. Jobs had a vision to put a computer into every home and I was scheming how to make the world 'a safer, brighter place...', often from 10,000 feet. We both had our 'stimulants'... and passions.
So Jobs and I had a few things in common but he was wired in a very different way. Not better or worse. Just different. Very different when it came to issues of abandonment, as he was adopted as a baby. I was blessed with unconditional love; Jobs received the same from his step-parents. But that was different for him.
Think Different
There's not a lot of 'thinking' that takes place in the natural world. The 'thought' process in animals is more akin to what we would refer to as conditioned and intuitive. Action-reaction-results. Certainly more impulsive but not reckless or without frame work. I always approached my flying as an act of intuitive creativity. And passion. I taught it that way, too.

Be the the engines...feel the wind...envision your moves... screw the gauges (temporarily)

Eagle-in-flight stuff.
Jobs spoke about the difference between using intellect and intuition. An early trip to India underscored the cultural differences for him and was something that formed his approach to design and innovation. Intellect does not connect to jumping the curve.
To suspend common sense and defy established knowledge is rooted in a 'knowing' that is primal. It is intuited. Intellect plays a role but can also get in the way. It's a mystical, mysterious and momentous process that is stimulated by the slightest of inklings.
Jobs was known for commissioning the "crazy ones". The ones who think different. According to Walter Isaacson and his seminal work on Jobs, Steve "insisted that he wanted the word 'different;' to be used as a noun as opposed to an adverb." That's Different...
"Here's to the crazy ones.
The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers.
The ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules...
...because they change things.
They push the human race forward...
...crazy enough to think they can change the world...
...the ones who do."
                       (From Jobs return as CEO and 1997 Apple advertising campaign)
Getting more intuit
As I look back and I look forward... from another birthdate vantage point, oh sure, I'd like to have a greater intellect. And I intend to continue developing my knowledge base across a number of areas including health, finance, social psychology, geo-political issues, world  history and more. But most importantly, I am committing to getting more into who and what I am.

What is my 'primary question' that consciously and sub-consciously is being asked? What really has consequence for me? I'm going to make that question more empowering, even while I'm discovering it with greater clarity on my way to...6-0.

I say 'pretty cool'.   ;)

When you start pushing six decades and believe that you've stayed awake for most of it, you appreciate and acknowledge this realization: I've pretty much 'been there - done that'. The question to square up with now is "So what?" I have always wanted to make things better. Can I achieve that to the degree I can keep growing my joy, peace and happiness? My faith?

So this year, I'm going to push myself further into getting "intuit"; a suitable play on words. Intuition is the key to innovation; the other book-end of SpiderLogic. Actually, they are more like opposing poles on a sphere, with infinite ways to travel and connect from one to the other. Like the number of ways you could travel from the North Pole to the South Pole. Both on the axis of rotation; the rotation of the evolution of our soul.

So here's a quarter for you and quarter for me. A birthday gift for both of us. Let's play the game for all it's worth; intuitively.

And take Steve's advice:

Avoid the Klingons!

(Thank you All for your wonderful Birthday greetings!!!  I hope Spring finally made it to you today. God Bless and have a terrifically empowering week.  GL )



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