And love deep in your soul
This shall be your challenge...
This shall be your goal.'
In a pretty lucid dream last night, I came upon a large and beautiful spider. It was green and gold in color; some variant of orb weaver, not known for being venomous. I recall being indoors, with a group of people and that was coupled with a sense of concern for the creature being in an un-natural habitat.
I put out my left hand and it came upon it slowly and deliberately, acceptingly, seeming to sense my desire to be helpful and repatriate it to more suitable surroundings. About equal in size to my hand, I felt her fangs as they entered my thumb. Somehow or for some reason, I did not perceive this as a bite... It was more a sense of her holding on with her teeth. Sorta crazy, I know.
There was a pain but not excruciating. I did not jerk or shake my hand or physically react. I was just 'aware'...
Next, the spider is gone. (Where?)
I'm looking at my thumb. It swells quickly and becomes quite large. I raise it up above my head. Elevated. I'm aware of the others in the room seeing my thumb, sensing various levels of concern. I'm sensing that and while I'm beginning to wonder about the seriousness of the 'bite'... THE END.
My dreams seem to conclude like that.
As I was writing earlier about how I have always tended to 'find' things' and 'see' things, I realize that I get 'bit' a lot too. Snakes, spiders, bees, nasty centipedes, monster horse/deer/mule flies, MN mosquitos (the size of sparrows!). And dogs. (Right, Cody? ;) ) Thank God, never seriously.
Last summer I came out in the morning to find a big bumble bee doing it's motor-boat impression in my dog's little swimming pool. In my best Steve Irwin spirit, I brought my hand slowly under the water and came up with the miracle-that-isn't-supposed-to-fly; water-soaked onto the back of my hand.
We sort of looked at each other and about the time I'm imagining love from my rescue bee...I'm being stung. Really? You might think 'Back into the drink for you' or 'Here's what my other hand feels like while your being squashed!'
No...Sorry. Just not me.
I gave it love anyway. Hand didn't flinch. The pain was redirected...I guess. With dried-enough wings and without further adieu; off went the miracle-of-flight.
I'm not advocating the seeking of pain. I'm advocating the fact that pain, like awareness, is loaded with insight. It plays an important role in communicating critical functions; physically, mentally and spiritually.
Paying attention before, during and after; ok; all the time, makes a difference in our lives.
'If you "pay" Attention
whatever the price...
Attention will guide you
to what shall suffice.
From there it shall satisfy
Forward to thrive
If you "pay" Attention
You'll learn your alive.'
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