I thought it was a German word...
So I went to my source; my Mother. She's German.
"Mom; is 'Uber' a German word...? "
"German?" she repeated. "OK... yes... with the two little dots above the 'u'."
"It means 'over'."
Like UBER the rainbow, I asked?
"UBER the rainbow."
My mother gets it.
She is 90 years wise and has uber-come most all of life's vicissitudes including Hitler... with a constitution that makes a pack-mule look lazy. And that's not uber-stating it!
Mobile R&D...
I've been visiting a place 'somewhere over the rainbow', on and off, for the past 6 weeks now.
I've discovered it on and around the streets of Charlotte. Evening hours. Late night. Early morning, too. Even a few neighborhoods with the 'yellow-brick roads'...
Market research, indeed. Even partially subsidized...
Finding my Voice.
Tuning my web...
Running ideas by folks. Getting ideas back in return while helping them get where they want to go...
A truly peer-to-peer collaborative.
Much like the UBER ride-sharing phenomenon.
Fine-tuning my message. "Message of the Spider". Affirming how we are all connected...
Probably engaged about a thousand people thus far from 350 'rides'. Using a rather unique and distinctive venue to conduct my 'work'...
My car. More specifically; my 'OVER' car. Mobile research through better technology...
I drive and I always deliver. We talk. Most of the time.
Read: UBER Partner.
And frequently, some iteration of the sequence below takes place. It usually ends at the 'destination'. Often it has continued... sometimes for quite a while... when time seems to stand still... for quality, human interaction... The desire for authenticity by many is strong.
"So how long you been driving for UBER..."
Oh.. a few weeks now. How's your UBER rider experience been?
Its been awesome. We love the APP, so much better than calling for a cab. How do you like driving?
Amazed and continually meeting great people... stimulating conversation, watching new behaviors take shape with how folks are moving about... learning about Charlotte. Cool places...
So what else do you do besides UBER?
Well... I'm working on a book project! Not to worry, its not an expose on UBER. But found some fascinating connections between my subject matter and this new movement and decided the best way to learn more is to get out here on the street with it. And you.
Cool! What's your book about?
The Spider... actually a message from one.
Really??? ... Like Charlotte's Web? That's my favorite!!! ...I hate spiders...I love spiders... Spiders? That's too funny... I have this spider story... I squashed one once and a million little spiders came out all over...
Yep! We all all seem to have a story. 'Cuz we're all connected!!! In our own spider silk... on this 'Web of Life'... Now you already now the ending lol!
So tell me, Gary; where did this idea came from??? Why the spider?
What... How... When... Where... If...
Ya... that makes sense... never quite saw it that way...
Yes... we ARE all connected. I soooo get that! How cool you're doing this...
"Thank you so much for the ride!" No...Thank you!
It didn't really start that way, though.
Curious about all the media coverage surrounding co-founder Travis Kalanick and the 'UBER' movement, I began looking into just what the service and the company were really about. Ever-attracted to the 'innovation' process and provoked by the 'disruptive' paradox of change, I figured the best way to check this out was to get behind the wheel of the movement. That I did. Literally.
I downloaded the driver APP and applied for an UBER Partnership. They refer to their drivers as 'Partners'. You, in fact, work for yourself as an independent contractor with rights to the APP if you qualify, clear the background checks (took 5 days) and then maintain a very high level of performance. (I'm maintaining a 4.9 or higher; water and mints help set the standard.)
The peer-to-peer thing drives all aspects of UBER. Drivers are scored after each ride. Riders are scored by the drivers after each ride. When you make an inquiry to a UBER support staff, the interaction is rated. It's all about getting the 5 Stars. That's the Gold rating.
Driven by the technology and the APP, you need to get somewhere... I'm willing to take you there; safely and efficiently (and yes; fully insured), we connect and collaborate. I receive a compensation for my effort. That's the premise.
Efficient, clean and direct.
I liked how it connected with me and the 'Nature' approach I was taking with my SpiderLogic precepts.
In nature, what does not contribute is eliminated. To flourish, a thing must be productive. For many struggling with success in life, the relationship and understanding between Productivity and Prosperity has been lost.
Contribute or be eliminated? In business, this has been too often prevented by powerful unions, monopolies and corruption. The UBER approach resonated with me. More than I had anticipated... It's slicing through a complacent industry that got lazy and forgot to keep the client front and center in the equation.
Here is a model where technology is actually supporting human interaction. I quickly experienced a certain expectation of this and it self-fulfilled almost every ride. Much different than a 'Cab' ride... Big-time.
If not perfect, the UBER concept illuminated for me, the next evolution of a part of our capitalistic economy; one which is more direct, takes out of the middle what does not belong and or contribute and deals with the human element as a priority rather than an option or perk.. Fair compensation in both directions. Integrity, authenticity and a sense of working together. I don't see this as socialism per se but rather, a further integration of technology/science and spirit into our economic model.
A better 'Intersection', like Steve Jobs would often refer to, where...
We're all connected.
Idealistic? Yes.
APPS with a heart and a brain and some courage?
Hmmm... Tried before you ponder?
Maybe Somewhere...
Somewhere UBER the Rainbow?
We've been blown a long way since bikes with baskets, broom-sticks...
And balloon rides back to Kansas.
The 'Most Magnificent and Wonderful' of APPS remains the same, however.
It will 'transport' you to where your inner-desire leads you.
My mother gets it.
She is 90 years wise and has uber-come most all of life's vicissitudes including Hitler... with a constitution that makes a pack-mule look lazy. And that's not uber-stating it!
Mobile R&D...
I've been visiting a place 'somewhere over the rainbow', on and off, for the past 6 weeks now.
I've discovered it on and around the streets of Charlotte. Evening hours. Late night. Early morning, too. Even a few neighborhoods with the 'yellow-brick roads'...
Market research, indeed. Even partially subsidized...
Finding my Voice.
Tuning my web...
Running ideas by folks. Getting ideas back in return while helping them get where they want to go...
A truly peer-to-peer collaborative.
Much like the UBER ride-sharing phenomenon.
Fine-tuning my message. "Message of the Spider". Affirming how we are all connected...
Probably engaged about a thousand people thus far from 350 'rides'. Using a rather unique and distinctive venue to conduct my 'work'...
My car. More specifically; my 'OVER' car. Mobile research through better technology...
I drive and I always deliver. We talk. Most of the time.
Read: UBER Partner.
And frequently, some iteration of the sequence below takes place. It usually ends at the 'destination'. Often it has continued... sometimes for quite a while... when time seems to stand still... for quality, human interaction... The desire for authenticity by many is strong.
"So how long you been driving for UBER..."
Oh.. a few weeks now. How's your UBER rider experience been?
Its been awesome. We love the APP, so much better than calling for a cab. How do you like driving?
Amazed and continually meeting great people... stimulating conversation, watching new behaviors take shape with how folks are moving about... learning about Charlotte. Cool places...
So what else do you do besides UBER?
Well... I'm working on a book project! Not to worry, its not an expose on UBER. But found some fascinating connections between my subject matter and this new movement and decided the best way to learn more is to get out here on the street with it. And you.
Cool! What's your book about?
The Spider... actually a message from one.
Really??? ... Like Charlotte's Web? That's my favorite!!! ...I hate spiders...I love spiders... Spiders? That's too funny... I have this spider story... I squashed one once and a million little spiders came out all over...
Yep! We all all seem to have a story. 'Cuz we're all connected!!! In our own spider silk... on this 'Web of Life'... Now you already now the ending lol!
So tell me, Gary; where did this idea came from??? Why the spider?
What... How... When... Where... If...
Ya... that makes sense... never quite saw it that way...
Yes... we ARE all connected. I soooo get that! How cool you're doing this...
"Thank you so much for the ride!" No...Thank you!
It didn't really start that way, though.
Curious about all the media coverage surrounding co-founder Travis Kalanick and the 'UBER' movement, I began looking into just what the service and the company were really about. Ever-attracted to the 'innovation' process and provoked by the 'disruptive' paradox of change, I figured the best way to check this out was to get behind the wheel of the movement. That I did. Literally.
I downloaded the driver APP and applied for an UBER Partnership. They refer to their drivers as 'Partners'. You, in fact, work for yourself as an independent contractor with rights to the APP if you qualify, clear the background checks (took 5 days) and then maintain a very high level of performance. (I'm maintaining a 4.9 or higher; water and mints help set the standard.)
The peer-to-peer thing drives all aspects of UBER. Drivers are scored after each ride. Riders are scored by the drivers after each ride. When you make an inquiry to a UBER support staff, the interaction is rated. It's all about getting the 5 Stars. That's the Gold rating.
Driven by the technology and the APP, you need to get somewhere... I'm willing to take you there; safely and efficiently (and yes; fully insured), we connect and collaborate. I receive a compensation for my effort. That's the premise.
Efficient, clean and direct.
I liked how it connected with me and the 'Nature' approach I was taking with my SpiderLogic precepts.
In nature, what does not contribute is eliminated. To flourish, a thing must be productive. For many struggling with success in life, the relationship and understanding between Productivity and Prosperity has been lost.
Contribute or be eliminated? In business, this has been too often prevented by powerful unions, monopolies and corruption. The UBER approach resonated with me. More than I had anticipated... It's slicing through a complacent industry that got lazy and forgot to keep the client front and center in the equation.
Here is a model where technology is actually supporting human interaction. I quickly experienced a certain expectation of this and it self-fulfilled almost every ride. Much different than a 'Cab' ride... Big-time.
If not perfect, the UBER concept illuminated for me, the next evolution of a part of our capitalistic economy; one which is more direct, takes out of the middle what does not belong and or contribute and deals with the human element as a priority rather than an option or perk.. Fair compensation in both directions. Integrity, authenticity and a sense of working together. I don't see this as socialism per se but rather, a further integration of technology/science and spirit into our economic model.
A better 'Intersection', like Steve Jobs would often refer to, where...
We're all connected.
Idealistic? Yes.
APPS with a heart and a brain and some courage?
Hmmm... Tried before you ponder?
Maybe Somewhere...
Somewhere UBER the Rainbow?
We've been blown a long way since bikes with baskets, broom-sticks...
And balloon rides back to Kansas.
The 'Most Magnificent and Wonderful' of APPS remains the same, however.
It will 'transport' you to where your inner-desire leads you.
(Courtesy oz.wikia.com)
The 'Ruby Slippers' are really (still)
in your Heart...
in your Heart...