Thursday, December 26, 2013

I am so impressed with E. B. White, author of Charlotte's Web along with The Trumpet of the Swan and Stuart E. Little, his first book.

I came upon some quotes of his that both motivate and inspire me to press on. I believe his humility to be as sincere as it is refreshing:

"It has been ambitious and plucky of me to attempt to describe what is indescribable, and I have failed, as I knew I would. But I have discharged my duty to my society; and besides, a writer, like an acrobat, must occasionally try a stunt that is too much for him."

With or without a net, E. B? The fall isn't so bad...but hitting the ground isn't much to look forward to... I guess that's where the courage and faith come in.

"I arise in the morning; torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world."

E. B., my goal for SpiderLogic is help show the way to do both... After all, I do believe the spider and her surrounding cast of nature's own are here to help lead the way if we are willing to listen and learn. It's all around us. It connects us to everything; the light, the air, the vibrations of sounds...

"...whatever light is generated, whatever excitement, whatever beauty, must come from original sources - from internal fires of professional hunger and delight, from the exuberance and gravity of youth. It is the difference between planetary light and the combustion of stars."

Yes! That most original of sources; the Creator of those very stars and planets - and of ourselves. It all ties in... and is inside every one of us; that combustion of light and beauty.

Out deepest intuitions tell us this.

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