Friday, November 22, 2013

...from the logic of the spider...

spiderLogicTM: noun:  derived from the logic of the Spider

a: a particular system of the principles intuited from the Wisdom of Nature,

b: a platform, foundation or basis for drawing inference, gaining perspective or enlightened vision; suitable for application to a fuller understanding of the Web of Life. 

SpiderLogic is a trademark of LesleyLeads llc


A Gift of Webs & Wisdom...


I'm filled with awe and gratitude to launch on this Journey... and while many questions about the precise route to be taken remain, I am certain of this:

We are all connected.

The Web of Life is filled with mystery, marvel and the Wisdom of Nature. It is that Wisdom and the vision to discern it, apply it and connect with that I am committed to sharing with you.

I look forward to earning the trust and faith required to provide a touch of guidance when you are in need of it.

It takes more than our eyes...more than eye-sight.

It even takes more than our minds and our mind-sight.

From an amazing creature with over  200 million years of experience, we'll be applying it's eight 'i's of Intuition to guide us on this Journey to greater joy and harmony.

Yes, with the spider and her SpiderLogic.

We travel the Gossamer Trail to rediscover the basic truths.

We are still all connected...

Pushing off from the shore for points yet unknown can be very exhilarating, don't you think?

22 Nov 2013


  1. Looking forward to reading more!

  2. Thanks, Brian. Be sure to let me know about any more spider dreams!
