Sunday, September 7, 2014

Fall is rising along Gossamer Trail 
Starting my third Fall season here in North Carolina, I remain truly amazed at the bursting of new blooms, sounds and sites that surpass the simple falling of leaves.
There is a blend here that fuses, what are for me, the more traditional elements of Fall; with a magical, mystical pallet of life and activity. A second-Spring of sorts...
I'm sure this is precisely what attracts so many to this part of the country; mixing familiarity with newness; a stimulating combination with the etxremes shaved off at the ends; no Fargo 'frigid' and conversely; no Mississippi 'melt-down'. The locals may take this for granted. The 'transplants'; particularly those from points north, find it delightfully delectable.
-From the first week of September; a sampling of Nature's treats along my backyard path. Enjoy!

One must watch for the 'road signs' along the Gossamer Trail... they come in all shapes and sizes.
With Gossamer Trail clearly in sight...
It's likely September when the spectacular Golden Orb Weavers make their silk work known. This lady (Argiope Aurantia) has gotten quite used to Keeli and I checking in and taking her picture!     The zig-zaggy (cribellate) weave is a tell-tale to identifying her.
Each knat in that extra-sticky capture spiral is one less potential bite... on my neck or ankle.
Bon Appetite Girl! Eat hardy...
... along the Gossamer Trail.

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