Saturday, February 1, 2014

'We spin...we weave...we then believe.'


Now there's a word that elicits thought. It's an opening. I think of clarity, focus, vision, direction, opportunity. How about for you? Is it something you 'want' or 'need'? Do you feel it lacking?


A pathway, a nudge, a timely piece of chocolate fudge?   ;)

Do you provide it or is it given to you? Do you see this as a gift or a reward? Is it something that others seem to get but not you? Is it reserved for only the 'rich'?

We are all looking for more 'Access'. But Access to what? To where? To who?

The other morning with Keeli I came across something I had never seen before. Quite special and extraordinary. A pure and brilliant gift...

                                                        A Frozen Wisp of Gossamer...

The conditions had to be just right. The temperature; about 10 degrees F, the humidity, breeze, lighting. And the timing for me to see it... have access to it... Suspended there from a branch that overhangs a meditative spot I frequent. Right there... a 5 foot line of micro-coating ice crystals on a fiber one tenth the thickness of the finest of human hair. Hanging but giving more a sense of being suspended vertically.

The cell phone picture makes it appear thicker than it really was (click the pic for a little better rendering). And perfectly smooth...How can that happen with 'ice' that coats so finely and evenly? This is a function of some of the most amazing qualities of spider silk; it's composition of an amino acid/protein-based matrix. (Did you know that spiders can deploy their silks to move water droplets in a desired direction?) The science of what occurred there over the Catawba Creek holds unlocked keys to innovative nano-technologies and curve-jumping solutions. We will be seeing some of them soon.

'A frozen wisp of Gossamer...
We met one frosty morning.
A broken thread or lifeline...
To access a prize or warning?
So fine a strand of silken ice...
It swayed in silent stature.
Who's maker left a tell-tale line...
For me who did walk past her.'

We are all, in some form of awareness, looking to access those 'Portals to Heaven' that resonate with our hearts and our spirits. The smallest and finest of threads can lead and connect us to those portals.

Like Forest Gump would have said: "Access is what access does".

Watch for the connections. The access points.

They will point out for you the real and direct access to what matters most; like from where that 'frozen wisp of gossamer' really came from.

A combination of events seemingly un-related? I think not.

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