Saturday, November 23, 2013

Definitions can be useful for creating a frame of reference; not a limitation.


noun \ 'i- site\
:state of consciousness which allows for the ability to envision or perceive the intrinsic web of life,
primordial sight or existential vision

i-light #1:

In SpiderLogic, i-sight transcends mind-sight and eye-sight. The view is perfect and timeless. Those who develop the skills and senses to employ i-sight are better equipped to view the path forward... and onward... with their quest for greater harmony and joy.

i-ronically...most of our protagonist spider-types do not have the best eye-sight even with the eight eyes most of them have! (some do have less) Hmmm... A few of the species including the Hunters and Jumping spiders do have excellent vision but as a rule, most of the eight-leggers rely on their other, more highly refined senses... including their i-sight, as they perform brilliantly in their daily web-of-life routines.


  1. We are all connected! You have brought this together in a very easy to understand that I know has been with you for a long time. Thank you for the courage to get it out into the world. This feels BIG to me. Know that it will be for many many other as well. I will get the blog address to as many folks as I can to spread the word. Another thought is to write a magazine-length article; thinking of innovative publications such as YES! ("Powerful Ideas, Practical Actions") or The Intelligent Optimist which focuses on "the people, passion and possibilities changing our world for the better…" Both are fantastic examples of the positive, forward thinking, committed work happening out there in the world. Most of it aint on your TV, folks!
    Other thoughts, ideas or suggestions to support Gary's work?????
    Keep at it, brother!!

  2. Garry keep up the great work I love it this is very informative from Jayson
